Ultimax DL Acetone

Ultimax DL Acetone

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Acetone is used to dilute nitrocellulose, polyester, organic based stains, patinas and batts. It can be used with 2K Polyurethane transparent primers, matte and semi-matte varnishes. It provides fast drying and good vertical stabilization of paint-and-varnish coating. Can be used for cleaning painting equipment and degreasing metal surfaces. Add acetone to the work mixture gradually, stirring thoroughly manually or mechanically until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.  

Technical characteristics
  • Color, appearance - colorless clear liquid without turbidity, dehomogenization and visible suspended particles
  • Mass fraction of water by Fischer, %, max - 1 
  • Acid value in mg KOH/g, max - 0.6 
  • Shelf life - 12 months
  • Evaporation rate - fast 
  • Dilution capacity - high   
  • Shagreen/Wave length - fine/short
  • Temperature of application - from +18 ° C to +22° C  


Safety and regulation

Acetone is toxic. High concentration of its vapors in the air of the work area causes irritation of eyes and respiratory organs. In case of skin contact, it may cause eczema, dermatitis. Any operations with diluent shall be carried out outdoors or in a room with through ventilation (forced ventilation). Gloves, respirators, goggles, and overalls must be worn and industrial hygiene must be observed. It is a flammable liquid, store it in tightly closed containers, protect it from direct sunlight, away from heating appliances and electrical devices.