Rookie Red Granite Stone Carpet Laying Kit

Rookie Red Granite Stone Carpet Laying Kit

Images are delivered by:

  • Pickup
  • Transport company
  • Courier Service
  • Personal visit of the manager

Ready-made kit for independent laying of stone pavement TM Rookie consists of "Red Granite" stone rock, polymer based binder, trowel, rubber-coated gloves and laying guide. One ready-made kit is enough for laying a surface of up to 1 square meter with a thickness of up to 1.5 cm. With these kits you can improve your garden plot: lay a walkway, floors in a greenhouse, bathhouse or summer shower, design an Alpine rock garden and decorate a pavement without disturbing its functionality.

Technical characteristics
  • Weight of a ready to use kit — 27 kg
  • Weight of rock — 25 kg
  • Rock fraction — 3–10
  • Weight of polymer based binderWeight of polymer based binder — 1.1 kg
  • Rubberized gloves — 1 pair
  • Trowel — 1 pc.
  • Finished surface area — up to 1 sq.m
  • Finished surface thickness — up to 1.5 cm


Safety and regulation

Prior to use, please carefully review the safety precautions for handling the polymer based binder indicated on the label of the polymer bottle. To ensure optimal results, please adhere to all installation steps as outlined in the instructions included in the package.