Polymer Based Rubber Crumb Binder Ultimax Gravity Rubber

Polymer Based Rubber Crumb Binder Ultimax Gravity Rubber

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Polymer Based Binder Ultimax Gravity Rubber is a one-component, yellow to brown viscous liquid based on aromatic polyurethanes. It is supplied ready to use. It is intended for bonding of rubber or EPDM crumb. The polymerization process takes place under conditions of natural air humidity.

Technical characteristics
  • Mass fraction of NCO, % — 10 ±1
  • Density, g/cc at 20 °C — 1.09–1.15
  • Viscosity, MPa sec at 20 °C — 4500–6500 и 6500–9500
  • Curing time — primary load 18 hours, design load 7 days
  • Guaranteed shelf life — 24 months from the date of manufacture
  • Packing — 10 l, 30 l, barrel 216 l, Euro cube 1000 l.


Safety and regulation

It is important to read and understand safety instructions before handling the product. It is imperative that one receives comprehensive training on how to use the product correctly. Wear gloves, overalls, eye and face protection when handling the product. Avoid inhalation of gas, vapor, aerosols. Use the product only outdoors or in a well ventilated room. In case of insufficient ventilation use respiratory protection. Wash hands and face thoroughly after work. Do not take contaminated overalls away from the place of work. For further information on the safe handling of chemical products, please refer to the Safety Data Sheet.